Thursday, September 11, 2014


Picture was taken yesterday but I had the same thing for breakfast today too! Super addicted to avocado nowadays I don't know why! I'm loving healthy breakfast like this. :) 

Speaking of avocado, I made my own avocado jam! I used 2 avocados and one and a half tablespoon of honey. It turned out very good! An amount like this can last me about... 4 days! 

My baked vegetables for lunch yesterday. Intended to buy zucchini but mistakenly bought cucumber instead. *cries* Everyone who knows me knows that I hate cucumbers (although not more than bean sprouts) but I've decided to give it a try and not waste food. Still couldn't really accept the taste so I had to eat them with tomato to kill the smell. Yuck.

I went jogging again yesterday! Aimed to jog for 5km but only managed to jog for 3.3km because I got tired very quickly. I don't know why though. I've thought of three reasons to it : 

1. The weather was too bloody hot. I sweated profusely after jogging for a while.
2. I was very hungry (and hence the lack of energy). Was thinking of not jogging but decided to go on with my plan anyway. 
3. My stamina sucks. (I strongly think this is the main reason)

Well, anyway! This was my record for yesterday. Average pace per km improved but I know it's not comparable with my previous record because the distance is not the same but oh well. 

Shall try my best again when I have the spirit to jog again (hopefully soon)! Pretty busy nowadays. *sighs* 

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