Wednesday, November 17, 2010


You know what's freaking wrong with me? I lose my enthusiasm to blog very quickly. VERY QUICKLY. I always take pictures and go like, "Okay, this is what I'm gonna talk about in my next blog post," and when I reach home, I'll be like, "Nah, I'll do it tomorrow." Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow. Until.... who-knows-when.

Actually, I still have lots of pictures in my phone that I had taken a few days ago but I'm just soooo lazy to take out the cable, plug it into my computer and transfer the pictures. Haha, don't blame me please, I can't help but to be LAZY. Too bad there's no cure to this disease of mine. What to do? But the thing is, without pictures, I don't know what to write about. A superb example, now. For your information, everything you're reading now is pointless and won't make you any smarter or entertained. *smacked*

Okay, anyway, I had finished reading Confessions of A Shopaholic a few days ago and got scolded by mummy. Apparently it was because RM 36 just disappeared in 3 days time. She said, " Don't you know how to enjoy books? Read it slowly, enjoy every part of it. Not like how you read, 3 days finished already! Not fun also! Now you'll have to buy more books and spend more money." Which was true, because I've just bought Shopaholic Takes Manhattan and Shopaholic Ties The Knot today at Popular Bookshop. I was just tearing off the plastic wrapper just now and there she went again, "慢慢来啦,不要急着读..." Okay okay, I resisted, and here I am, blogging about nothing. xD

Forgive me please! But for those of you who want something to entertain yourselves during the school holidays, I would really recommend Confessions of A Shopaholic! Rebecca Bloomwood is seriously truly really nonsensical. HAHA. Oh, I had watched the movie too yesterday. The storyline was a bit different but of course her habit and obsession towards shopping were still with her no matter what. xD But mummy, don't worry, I won't turn into a shopaholic. Instead, I will mengambil iktibar from her actions and menginsafkan diri (not that I've ever shopped like her).

Eheheh~ *poke*


  1. Did i tell you i cried watching Shopaholic? damn sad lah the end part there. T.T

  2. Haha I didn't cry la but I felt REALLY bad for her. =(
